Time lives in Bellevue, WA with his wife, daughter, and 2 pups. In addition to his day gig as a UX writer, he teaches courses at ASU on Web Authoring and Writing for Digital Media. Time digs 1920s-60s blues, bourbon, ink, cigar box guitars, classic British motorbikes, Bebop, running, gin, noize music, cooking, and antique typewriters. He has just joined a curling league.
Time has a forthcoming book (co-authored with Brian Dunn), Make Art Happen: How to Create In Spite of Life's Chaos. It is the first in a (currently) 3-book series. He has published short stories and poetry in The Neverending Page and Thought Crime Magazine (where he served as co-editor). Time is an inordinately busy cat, but remains prolific and is constantly sending out work for publication consideration in an attempt to make up for all the lost creative years whilst in academia. You can follow his publication progress and prowess at timewrites.com.
Time earned his doctorate in Technical Communication and Rhetoric from Texas Tech University. He's published a number of academic articles, including on using new media in the online classroom for the Rocky Mountain Communication Review, covering the 2005 Intel ISEF Technical Competition in Intercom Magazine, and a co-authored article on expanding composition audiences with podcasting for Computers & Composition Online. His work can also be found on Academia.edu.