Articles by Charlie Brice
Eleven Questions Honoring the Fortieth Anniversary of the New York Times Science Page
(2019-04-01) poem unrhymed
"...What equation would we use?..."
Too Muchness
(2019-05-06) poem unrhymed
"...she could have shot a Czar in 1917..."
Pig Penned
(2019-06-03) poem unrhymed
"...there I was jammed into a dirt pen with a 600 pound porcine..."
The Psychotic Kitchen
(2019-07-01) poem unrhymed
"...the writhing, wailing, whining, flesh-
aggrieved, chicken carcass..."
Waiting Room
(2019-08-05) poem unrhymed
"...worry's weight heavy on neck and shoulders..."
Ike and Mike
(2019-09-02) poem unrhymed
"...She was two and a half inches taller than I..."
Can of Worms
(2019-10-07) poem unrhymed
"...There should be monuments to my father..."
(2019-11-04) poem unrhymed
"...This whole megillah is so PC...."
The Truth About Shadows
(2019-12-16) poem unrhymed
"...she never captures
a single shadow..."
The Truth About Wind
(2020-01-20) poem unrhymed
the wind on a California beach, ocean roar..."
The Truth About What Could Have Happened
(2020-02-17) poem unrhymed
"...On the way to the bridge
we pass birches, cedars,
aspens, and evergreens..."
The Truth About Curveballs
(2020-03-16) poem unrhymed
"...All she requires is a view..."
The Truth About Paper
(2020-04-20) poem unrhymed
"...Never acts violated by the ink I smear..."
The Truth About Birds
(2020-05-18) poem unrhymed
"...let a blanket of sky swaddle me
in its splendor..."
(2021-05-10) poem unrhymed
"...our first foray as a family
to France..."
My Face
(2021-06-07) poem unrhymed
"...Could the world endure two of me?.."
A Rising Starr
(2021-07-05) poem unrhymed
"...Gear, he said. Fab, he said, and kept playing..."
Failing Up
(2021-08-02) poem unrhymed
"...some casual sit-ups, maybe a knee bend
before retiring to the snack bar..."
The Angler's Dilemma
(2021-08-30) poem rhymed
"...He must have lost his head..."
On Ignorant Design
(2023-09-04) poem unrhymed
"...Thanatos has already spread his black wings..."
The Hearty Roar of Autumn
(2023-10-09) poem unrhymed
"...wind that skitters leaves across boulevards and prairies..."
Standing Against Wyoming Wind
(2023-11-06) poem unrhymed
"In Cheyenne there were no thoughts, only wind..."
Bring ‘Em Young
(2023-12-04) poem unrhymed
"...Those jokers in university housing must have had a hoot..."
(2024-01-01) poem unrhymed
"...anxious people often place in others their most feared feelings..."
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