Dessy Tsvetkova (born 1970 in Sofia, Bulgaria), has worked as a reporter for Darik Radio, newspapers Woman, News, Women kingdom and has published poetry in Mother tongue speech, Literary Academy and Flame and Sea magazines.
She published her first collection of poems "Birds fly very close to God" in 2007. Since 2006 Desislava lives in Luxembourg and currently lives in Brussels, Belgium. She published a poem in the European Commission's collection "Music of Languages", as well as an essay in "The Commission Direct". She is a member of the Flemish Poetry Society Poetry Society. Her second book has gathered her feelings, dreams and solar touches in "Light in the Soul". The third is "Beauty is Everywhere", and her latest collection of poems is called "Rays of Heavenly Love", published by Potayniche. She is a compiler and one of the authors and translators. She has participated in the Sofia Book Fair, in the 1st and 2nd Bulgarian Book Festival in Brussels and in the InterLitraTour Festival 2019, Brussels. Romania, Albania, India and Indonesia.
Dessy's poems are published in literary magazines in Bulgaria, Belgium, USA, Romania, Albania, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Bangladesh.
Dessy is editor in Homagi International magazine, and chief editor of The Muse with you.