I can't say I understand the lure of poetry
With its meter, form and rhyme.
I'd need to have a better sense of sublimitry
To hear the steeple bells ... ring.
Still I have to wonder at today's practitioners
Whose works ignore all the rules
Heaven forbid there be poetry commissioners,
But not all people are ... jerks.
I know there is a quality to poetic art
That can lift my heart to heaven
If the poet would just take the time and do his part:
Use form and rhyme as ... the yeast.
I am out of step and behind the times to be sure,
My tastes are out of fashion,
But I want poems to be thrilling and to be pure,
I want to feel the ... ardor.
There will never be a poem lovely as a tree,
That's not what I want at all.
I just think that meter, form and rhyme can surely be
More than just, like, you know ... stuff carelessly written down.
So I challenge you wordsmiths to take pen in hand,
Write me a sonnet of love.
Submit your work to the Piker Press (Editor Sand).
Let your soul soar like a ... bird.
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