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September 02, 2024

I Couldn't Catch the Meaning

By Kushal Poddar

I Couldn't Catch The Meaning

From some drawer a chronograph
I forgot beeps one o'clock.
The concept of AM and PM eludes me.
The meds aid to forget. Their purpose
is peace, albeit sometimes
it would have been nice to remember
if I have watered the garden
or if it has rained today. The watch beeps
again. What does trigger that function?
I cannot remember if I need a reason,
if I desire its guidance.
I hear my old man fart in the room adjacent.
His phone's AI comes alive, asks, "I
couldn't catch that. Will you like to know
the time now?" It seems nice to know certain things,
and then memory touches my heart -- my father
has expired last spring.

Article © Kushal Poddar. All rights reserved.
Published on 2023-11-20
Image(s) are public domain.
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