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September 02, 2024

Nothing More To Say

By Jeffrey Zable

Nothing More To Say

And just yesterday, another guy---someone I’d known
for around 40 years, but was never fast friends with---
died at basically the same age I am now, which, as I think
of him makes me sad. Not because I regret that I wasn’t closer
to this narcissistic, arrogant, yet extremely talented musician
but because his passing reminds me once again of my own
imminent demise as well as makes me think of several people---
some of whom I genuinely cared about---who have died
more recently.

Other than that, I have nothing more to say. . .

Photo by Martin Vorel

Article © Jeffrey Zable. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-05-13
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
Mark Posth
09:32:54 AM
Nicely done, Mr. Zable!
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