Donations to the Reservoir
The waiter is left
first and last rose
from my failed blind date.
I finish the dinner
the best part was
cutting steak in pieces
thinking of my
ex lover's new lover.
“I just washed those sheets”
she howled at rose petals
I lay there for her
trying to be romantic.
Much later I find
I can't get used to
dishes in the sink
without her
I've taken to running
most nights past
places we left
transparent memories at.
At the reservoir
where some ended their lives
I end each nights run.
Tears drop in
but I step back
turn and run
home or somewhere
like it.
first and last rose
from my failed blind date.
I finish the dinner
the best part was
cutting steak in pieces
thinking of my
ex lover's new lover.
“I just washed those sheets”
she howled at rose petals
I lay there for her
trying to be romantic.
Much later I find
I can't get used to
dishes in the sink
without her
I've taken to running
most nights past
places we left
transparent memories at.
At the reservoir
where some ended their lives
I end each nights run.
Tears drop in
but I step back
turn and run
home or somewhere
like it.
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