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September 02, 2024


By Grant Shimmin


He was a wonderful father, I say
Caring, loving, the gentlest man I’ve known
Always there, always part of our lives
I remember how we’d wait for him to get home
So he could join us in the pool
Or bowl to us on that grass strip alongside
Or just throw a ball to me
As I threw myself around on the lawn
In my competitive element
It’s special to know he was there
The day all that catching practice came to fruition
As the ball caught the edge, I flung myself to my left
And it thudded into my outstretched palm and stuck
I heard his clapping as incredulous teammates
Crowded around, each as disbelieving as I was
And even our coach wandered down the pitch
To express his admiration
Dad was there, on a day not many were

I stop. The tears are coming
And there’s no way to hold back the tide
I sob, I let them flow
No shame in showing my love this way
He was the best of us
That’s all I ever need to say
I compose myself, unembarrassed, continue
I’ll never forget the kindness in his eyes
I like to think that mine can also smile
I say it to the hills
Where the gorse is popping
To the whispering stream
Winding its way along my walking route
And I think of you, so lovingly
All those thousands of miles away from me
Your radiant mind become your enemy
And I wonder … again
I wonder, but I never worry
How I’ll hold it together
When the time comes

Article © Grant Shimmin. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-05-27
Image(s) are public domain.
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