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September 02, 2024

Strawberry Wind

By Marjorie Pezzoli

Strawberry Wind

nothing like eating
a strawberry
facing into
the wind

hairstreams back
sunbeams touch my skin

palm fronds
the wind

golden lantern tree
shamel ash
politely clap
curtains close down
then rise up again

for we are the playwrights
who nurture the words
coax out their feelings

the wind forever
sets the stage
as clouds share
their stories

nothing like eating
a strawberry
facing into
the wind

Article © Marjorie Pezzoli. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-05-20
Image(s) are public domain.
1 Reader Comments
10:16:06 AM
Strawberry Wind is delightful! I so enjoyed this one, Marjorie.
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