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September 02, 2024

Otherness - Sameness - Saneness

By Marjorie Pezzoli

Otherness - Sameness - Saneness

Strolling along
I avoid the sidewalk cracks

Department store windows
freshly cleaned
catch my eye

Head turns neck
a reflection is seen

Don’t like what is happening
manikins mock me
shock me

Exhaled thoughts of whatever
I release into the red balloon

Surreal time
otherness feelings
take the place of helium

I skip down the pavement
….…..….. still avoid the cracks
balloon tied to wrist bobs along

String lets out
like a kite spool

Head in the clouds
my creative place

Again others remind
one must be grounded

Take matters in hand
I pull my own string
head back in place

Balloon placed to lips
…... inhale .… exhale

For a moment
speak like the Lollipop Guild
…………..........giggles erupt

Some will tell you sameness is saneness

It is not..…..... don't care what they think

Article © Marjorie Pezzoli. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-07-15
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