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September 02, 2024


By Marjorie Pezzoli


I have the key that fits the lock
so why can’t I open the door?

back to square one
time to recut the key

a small metallic voice
enters my mind

I am not the one who needs to be recut
are you sure you have the correct door?

yes, I am the Master Key
that will work when you are ready to understand

there are many doors to go through
that is how you find out who you really are

pick me up
start with unlocking your heart
that is the first door to walk through

please know
not all locks are meant to opened now

in due time
when you learn to recut yourself
you will become your own Master Key

then you may enter
any place of your choosing

Article © Marjorie Pezzoli. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-06-17
1 Reader Comments
Amanda Niamh Dawson
06:34:18 PM
I like this concept. Interesting poem!
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