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March 10, 2025


By Barbara Brooks


Here we are at sunset sitting on the sand listening
to the waves ease onto the shore and gulls settle
for the night. It is the standard question: where did
we go wrong? I have slipped away from you
like the half moon setting in the morning.
It fades with the rising sun.

Did I make one
suggestion too many about how I would
accomplish a task when you have
not asked for assistance? I
was only trying to be helpful,
did not see the tides of irritation
on your face.

I wish we could come back
to the morning of the sunrise
when we met. But just as you cannot
hold a wave in your hand,
we will never capture that sunrise.

Article © Barbara Brooks. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-05-13
Image(s) are public domain.
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