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September 02, 2024

Mother Earth Goes to the Palliative Care Clinic

By Robert Bach

Mother Earth Goes to the Palliative Care Clinic

What brings you to the
clinic Mother Earth?
“Physical mental
and spiritual abuse

I have literally been raped and
They stick oil drains
in all parts of me

They strip my forests and leave me
naked deserts
I’m covered with asphalt
and have a persistent fever

They contaminated my rivers
stream and seas
My vision is blurred with smog,
I can’t breathe

My animal friends are hurting
as well
They are hungry, suffering and

My spirits are running low,
as there is little hope
Reverence for life
seems only a dream

Do you have any type of
The Wind and the Sun
are my lifelong friends

The native Indians
were my children
They sang and they danced
In my honor

Most don’t realize
I am dying a slow death
Most don’t know
how much they depend on me

We all know there is a way
to save you Mother Earth
I will call on those
that are estranged

We will tell them to reconcile
with you
And avoid taking guilt
to their own grave

Article © Robert Bach. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-06-03
Image(s) are public domain.
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