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September 23, 2024

Nah Nah I'm Gonna Die Before You

By John Patrick Robbins

Nah Nah I'm Gonna Die Before You

So I can take this party down to the truest southern point (no pun intended).

As the music is far better and the decadence ever so divine.
The drinks may lack ice, but the hookers balance out the lack of a quality beverage.

As we overindulge, so is the way of the children of the eternal night.

While all you little lambs sit upon your clouds looking down on everyone. Much like you did in life, sipping kool-aid while humming hymns.

Your head with your harps stuck firmly up your asses.

Wow sounds like a blast, enjoy your ice cream and cookies.

As I bask in my cocktails and eternal damnation.

I won the race, and as long as you keep your distance, I'm good.

Cheers from Hades! So glad you’re not here, fuckers!

Article © John Patrick Robbins. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-09-09
Image(s) are public domain.
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