Bird Brains
watching birds out the
window as I lay in bed
early morning; a sunny day
out there where the birds
are, mostly crows plus smaller
ones of uncertain type who fly
too fast to sight: sparrows or
wrens (wren? What's a wren
look like? Wren and why?)
Crow atop distant telephone
pole--making a caw. Haw haw.
I should get up, OOB, but
why? To make and drink coffee?
Sit in the sun? I should get up but
it is cosy in this bed--and that
dream of kissing a girl lingers.
window as I lay in bed
early morning; a sunny day
out there where the birds
are, mostly crows plus smaller
ones of uncertain type who fly
too fast to sight: sparrows or
wrens (wren? What's a wren
look like? Wren and why?)
Crow atop distant telephone
pole--making a caw. Haw haw.
I should get up, OOB, but
why? To make and drink coffee?
Sit in the sun? I should get up but
it is cosy in this bed--and that
dream of kissing a girl lingers.
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