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September 02, 2024

For the Love of Mood-altering Changes

By Ndaba Sibanda

For the Love of Mood-altering Changes

Fun pulses, the bar is abuzz with music,
and torrential and bubbly are beverages.

It’s a new, darkish and dancing Friday night,
a regular, pensive patron pitches up to pamper.

The patron’s lighter ignites into a thunderbolt.
The smoker holds a cigar like it’s an axis of his life.

The pipe-smoker puffs and paces as he pampers his lungs,
nicotine activates the release of pleasure hormones in his brain.

He looks content as he seeks to drown and dump his woes and piles,
but a passive smoker is cynical, this is harmful and habitual, she carps.

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-06-24
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