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September 02, 2024

The One Who Helps

By Ndaba Sibanda

The One Who Helps

You are the principal armrest
of the Umzingwane River,
you rise in the vicinity of Fort Rixon
and flow into the Umzingwane River.

Insiza River, you live in Insiza District,
and from Fort Rixon, you flow and amble
as if to greet and tantalise West Nicholson.

When will Insiza River help out
in line with the meaning of her name?
When will she croon and boom
with waters that bustle with life?

The land is scrunching with stifling thirst.
Where are Insiza's waters to nourish
the grasses and trees with greenery?

The flowers fume over a sick series
of fiascoes and foolery foisted upon them.
When will Insiza help out plant life?
When will Insiza flourish and flow freely?

Article © Ndaba Sibanda. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-07-15
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