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September 16, 2024

Upon Slovenia's Shore

By Susan Brumel

Upon Slovenia’s Shore

Stars rained upon
the Adriatic Sea,
and twinkle-danced
for all of night to see

Beyond the sky
as far as I could tell,
they took away
more quickly than they fell

At glow of dawn
a glorious shooting star,
shed brilliant light
upon Slovenia’s shore

That lit the day
far brighter than I’d seen,
inspiring hope
for humankind to glean

Then on the blush
of early twilight’s cheek,
a peacefulness
that every being seeks

Infused the world
for all of us to share,
and spread a joy
that lingers in the air

Article © Susan Brumel. All rights reserved.
Published on 2024-07-29
Image(s) are public domain.
2 Reader Comments
09:51:25 AM
Beautiful words to describe the wonder of the Sea and the sky..
09:51:25 AM
Lovely poem!
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