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March 10, 2025

The Pro-Lifer Says

By Frank De Canio

The Pro-Lifer Says

“A human being has a right,
to live, though it be big or small.”
Forget the fact it was in spite
of scarcely wanting life at all.
For it was wantonly conceived
by docile mules of overlords
who hide the species up their sleeve.
They bind them with desire’s cord,
next to the brain and genitals
that service the primeval Will.
which functions as their sentinel.
If what’s been borne is not a bill
of goods for pleasures bidden for,
then, give it all up to l’amour.

As is, it waits upon the world
twixt blissful bonds secured in trust
until a banner is unfurled
some savvy stevedore will thrust
on an accommodating girl.
She’ll serve as flagship for the trip.
It sails an ocean that will hurl
its content from her nether lips
into a world it tried in vain
to countermand till, pushing pumps
the suspect out, in spite of pain,
into its future’s knocks and bumps.
It’s what pro-lifers smoothly ride,
post-partem wise, in golden years,
or smug male legislators bide
who force on it a vale of tears
that barely offer it respite!
And they tell us that that’s its right.

Article © Frank De Canio. All rights reserved.
Published on 2025-03-10
Image(s) are public domain.
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