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March 10, 2025

Their Second Date

By Cynthia Bernard

He wanted to take her hand, pull her close, whisper in her ear, but it was far too risky. On the news report, just that morning, the lead story had been about the recent flare of this year’s highly contagious virus, which was transmitted by direct contact. Emergency rooms were packed. His DX-1 protective gloves were the very best available, with three layers of protection, lined with copper fibers and imported at some cost from Korea, but they were only 82.3% effective against the current variant.

She wanted to lean over, pull up her FW-27 transparent face shield (disposable model, shipped nation-wide), and kiss him, but her recent experience with the strain that was transmitted through bodily fluids, especially saliva, left her unwilling to take the chance. She had been bedridden for more than a month, weak and feverish, much too high a price to pay for a romantic moment.

They would have liked to go out to dinner, but all of the restaurants were closed after multiple incidents of widespread infection from the food-borne variants. These were the most extreme cases of all, with people reporting, in addition to the usual respiratory symptoms, large lime-green blisters on their arms and legs, what appeared to be permanent loss of eyebrow hair, and temporary loss of the ability to taste anything cold or salty. Also, the data showed that these people were the most likely to develop Long-Term Virus-Induced Debilitating Syndrome (LT-VIDS).

Much better to walk in the park, keeping some distance, then smile, wave goodnight, and each return to their own home. Walking together in person was daring enough; the CDC advised limiting socializing to email and video calls.

There was one consolation: As the population dwindled, there would be fewer sources of contagion. Those who survived would eventually be able to relax their vigilance.

Article © Cynthia Bernard. All rights reserved.
Published on 2025-02-10
2 Reader Comments
martha aines lessard
05:15:32 PM
once again Cynthia has given us humor whimsy and something to think about.i love her work
10:46:26 AM
Wow, how can so much be packed in such a small space!? Powerful. Scary. Chilling. What a story!
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