All That We Have Is This Moment

All that I have before me is right now.
This specific scene is what it is and no more.
I’m not motivated to obtain any golden cow,
No great bounty lies in some secret store.
The sun hasn’t risen on tomorrow,
The moon has shown on yesterday,
I have no empty row to hoe,
I bear no duty call
For some yellow bricked path I’m supposed to make.
I feel hungry
So I pause and break bread.
I pour my coffee cause I feel I need a jolt.
When I am sleepy I lay down my tired head.
Should I feel threatened
I’ll reach ‘neath my bed and grab my Colt.
This moment has found me exactly where I am,
The specific situation I’m in is what I’ll have to deal with.
With what I presently own I do the best I can,
This life I live is what it is.
Having a plan steps outside of today’s collapsing reality,
In all honesty nothing truly exists in the world to climb with.
I know this fact strikes readers like an unseen calamity,
You want more
I sense you still insist,
But in the end everything is what it is.
I purchased a few acres of land because I needed a place to stay,
Its total price was realistically something I could pay.
A manufactured or contracted house is only a never ending bill,
I refuse to work two jobs
Because I want time to kill.
I’m not tying up my money in no kind of fund,
I’m not living to keep up with the Jones,
I’d rather spend my time
Fishing King Perch from a backwoods swamp run!
I live on soup made from scrounged meat and leftover bones.
I use what I own until it wears out,
I don’t waste my time living for the latest fad.
I live a much higher quality of life
No doubt.
Not working all the time isn’t so bad.
Enjoying being alive is what life is all about!
I live in a rented attic right now at this very moment.
My dear wife is three hours away.
My family has abandoned me for living in a tent;
But the sun will soon rise on the next new day,
While living their golden fantasy only kills them in the end.
This specific scene is what it is and no more.
I’m not motivated to obtain any golden cow,
No great bounty lies in some secret store.
The sun hasn’t risen on tomorrow,
The moon has shown on yesterday,
I have no empty row to hoe,
I bear no duty call
For some yellow bricked path I’m supposed to make.
I feel hungry
So I pause and break bread.
I pour my coffee cause I feel I need a jolt.
When I am sleepy I lay down my tired head.
Should I feel threatened
I’ll reach ‘neath my bed and grab my Colt.
This moment has found me exactly where I am,
The specific situation I’m in is what I’ll have to deal with.
With what I presently own I do the best I can,
This life I live is what it is.
Having a plan steps outside of today’s collapsing reality,
In all honesty nothing truly exists in the world to climb with.
I know this fact strikes readers like an unseen calamity,
You want more
I sense you still insist,
But in the end everything is what it is.
I purchased a few acres of land because I needed a place to stay,
Its total price was realistically something I could pay.
A manufactured or contracted house is only a never ending bill,
I refuse to work two jobs
Because I want time to kill.
I’m not tying up my money in no kind of fund,
I’m not living to keep up with the Jones,
I’d rather spend my time
Fishing King Perch from a backwoods swamp run!
I live on soup made from scrounged meat and leftover bones.
I use what I own until it wears out,
I don’t waste my time living for the latest fad.
I live a much higher quality of life
No doubt.
Not working all the time isn’t so bad.
Enjoying being alive is what life is all about!
I live in a rented attic right now at this very moment.
My dear wife is three hours away.
My family has abandoned me for living in a tent;
But the sun will soon rise on the next new day,
While living their golden fantasy only kills them in the end.
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