Awww, poor Tom Cruise. You join a cult, embarrass yourself on a talk show or two, and take a cheap shot at Brooke Shields and suddenly everyone is jumpin in yer shit. Is that fair? I mean, honestly, let he who has not taken a cheap shot at Brooke Shields cast the first stone.
Unlike the rest of the world that has suddenly noticed Tom is a weirdo looney with only marginally more talent than Pauley Shore, last staff meeting, we here at the Press realized that we all have something in common — we've always hated Tom Cruise.
Hating Tom Cruise isn't a requirement for contributing here at the Press, but it's a popular enough sport to warrant its own theme issue. It ain't all about Tom this week, but he's definitely on our minds.
All you newbie Tomophobes out there sit back and enjoy the occasional whack at Tom, old school.
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