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February 03, 2025

Peek of the Week 071

By Unknown Photographer

The face of a young man in 19th C garb

I didn't take this picture, nor do I know who did. Who the man is, I don't know.

I found this tiny photo (in real life not much more than an inch square) in the floorboards of the old crumbling Victorian house we'd bought. The room in which it was found was the last bedroom of a spinster reputed to be over a hundred years old. That's all the facts I have.

You can see a dark stain at the side of the man's face; it actually extends across his mouth. I removed it in Photoshop after scanning the picture at 1200 dpi. I tinkered with the contrast, too, as the original is pretty faded. Interesting-looking fella, isn't he?

Makes you wonder what the whole story was. I do know this: he surely does not look like anyone local from Lewistown, Pennsylvania ... unless he was one of the great migration to the wild promises of the West.

**Do you have a photo or piece of art you'd like to see in "Peek of the Week?" If so, send your photo or file (unreduced) to peek@pikerpress.com. Please include what kind of camera was used, and a brief description of the picture, as well as your name and email address.

Article © Unknown Photographer. All rights reserved.
Published on 2006-12-11
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