"BBBB" [Blue Bike at Brigantine Beach]
I recently bought a condo near a New Jersey beach and have been looking for pictures with which to decorate. After looking at lots of stuff online and in boutiques, I realized that I should just take my own pictures. I took this shot of the bike because I'd seen a similar picture in a furniture store in Ocean City, NJ. In a way I copied the idea, but in a way it's still my own shot. The bike just happened to be there on my way home.
**Do you have a photo or piece of art you'd like to see in "Peek of the Week?" If so, send your photo or file (unreduced) to peek@pikerpress.com. Please include what kind of camera was used, and a brief description of the picture, as well as your name and email address. Photographers and artists retain all rights to their work.
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