Hello, Readers!
In this issue, Frederick Foote takes us out to a backwater planet where business is dirty and life is part of the bartering system in his short story, "Usama."
Lillian Queen contributes to "The Visual Art," and gives us a preview of her emerging work about C.O.R.P.S. -- a dystopian worldcrafting -- in her favorite style, anime.
Lydia Manx reviews Barry Kirwan's novel Eden's Endgame (see the right sidebar for the other books in that series) as well as continuing her serial fiction "When Fairy Tales Come Alive," a horror story featuring Delilah Monroe, a hired assassin with troll-killing expertise.
Still going strong, Bernie Pilarski's old commute partner receives a nod of appreciation in "Aging Gracefully."
Think of Bill Harvey's comic next time you take a selfie...
As always, comments on stories are greatly appreciated, and letters to the Editor are read with relish. Cheers!
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