A Simple Perpetuation Of Travesties And Fallacies
it is a case of the old order disguised as new, or recycled disorder
when brutality against the unarmed civilians is not something new
then the glorified freshness of their policies, actions and programmes
comes into question, just like the touted newness of the authorities
there is no unique bent to how things have always been like in the land
voter intimidation, misuse of state resources and bias in state media all
that fracas , all that farce cannot lend their 'lists of successes' a distinctive flair
for where in the world did excessive use of force and the disrespect for the sanctity
of life and the right to demonstrate become a victory except in a pariah state?
when did the subversion of a people's will amount to electoral maturity and dignity?
where in the world can one sing about the need to promote investment or development
and in the same sentence execute acts of ruthlessness against dissenting voices and actions
of journalists and expect such evil deeds to dance in harmony with tourism and legitimacy?
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