She became a moth and flew
Inside the train compartment
I sat still, pitiless, remorseless,
Fist clenched to rival unknown enemies
I repented not being able to be
The butterfly that would keep her
Company. I repented for not
Being able to recognize her.
Yet she flew from one closed window
To the other and finally sat on my
Shirt sleeve. I looked at her
Tried to make her fly
Across the sitting co-passengers
To the door and out in the station
And from there to the evening
Sky outside. But she kept on
Sitting on my shirt sleeve and then
I spread my palm and she
Walked onto it. And I blew at
Her and she flew and sat
On the glass of a closed window
And then disappeared. Disappeared
Among the people standing inside and
Outside. Disappeared from
My world and dissolved into a
Nothingness where I belonged
With all my soul. A sigh escaped
Me forming silvery dark clouds
In the evening sky and it
Rained in a faraway desert
Creating an oasis where my lost
Soul travelled for a night's rest.
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