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March 10, 2025

Give Us the Right Stuff

By Mark Swarthout

Give Us the Right Stuff

We don't need more stuff, we need the right stuff!
Don't give us more soda pop with all its chemicals and artificial flavors
Don't give us more energy drinks full of sugar and wasted calories,
Give us clean fresh water, safe to drink and to hydrate us.
Give us milk to nourish us and make us grow strong and healthy.
Don't just give us more stuff, give us the right stuff!

Don't fill our brains full of violence and gore in television programs.
Don't fill our time with mindless games of fighting and destruction.
Give us opportunities to learn, to share, to understand each other.
Give us ways to make the world better, to help each other out.
Don't just give us more stuff, give us the right stuff!

Don't fill our news time with nonsense stuff about bad celebrity choices
Don't ignore the hurt in the rest of the world to talk about stupid stuff.
Give us role models, people who try to make the world a better place
Give us real heroes, who give of themselves out of love, not ego
Don't just give us more stuff, give us the right stuff!

Don't bombard us with images of what you think we think the ideal is
Don't teach us that self image must be based on outward appearances
Give us real people in real lives with the real drama, not the fake stuff
Give us people doing real jobs, in real places, not the shiny glitzy stuff.
Don't just give us more stuff, give us the right stuff!

Don't tell us we need more and more shiny stuff in our lives
Don't plant that evil seed that says more stuff means a better life
Give us some credit, we know what we need and it is not what you think we need
Give us realistic expectations, with the real path to happiness, not one full of stuff
Don't just give us more stuff, give us the right stuff!

Article © Mark Swarthout. All rights reserved.
Published on 2020-03-09
Image(s) are public domain.
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