Unseen Sufferings!
The ethics, unwritten.
The code of conduct,
Measured by time and
Minds. The accompanying
Heartbreak, joys and tears
The sense of loss and gain
The agony and the ecstasy
The love and the sufferings
The clichés of life and times
Gnaw at your soul and
You bleed. And I try to wipe
Away the blood and the tears
And bleed silently,
Unobserved by time!
The code of conduct,
Measured by time and
Minds. The accompanying
Heartbreak, joys and tears
The sense of loss and gain
The agony and the ecstasy
The love and the sufferings
The clichés of life and times
Gnaw at your soul and
You bleed. And I try to wipe
Away the blood and the tears
And bleed silently,
Unobserved by time!
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