Articles by Fhen M.
First Sphere of Heaven
(2024-04-08) poem unrhymed
Fhen M. is a poet. He was a writing fellow in a creative writing workshop. His poems were published in many poetry anthologies.
First Apollo Mission
(2024-05-13) poem unrhymed
" arrow-like chariot takes to strike..."
To Fly to the Moon
(2024-06-10) poem unrhymed
"'s harder on earth's satellite..."
The Cosmology According to Aristotle and Einstein
(2024-07-08) poem unrhymed
"...heaven and nature exist beyond human comprehension..."
The Abduction of Piccarda Donati from the Convent of Monticelli
(2024-08-05) poem unrhymed
"...let fortitude face any sword, axe, or fire..."
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