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September 02, 2024

Articles by Abigail George

[Poem] [Opinion] [Serial] [Short]


Caroline (2015-12-21) poem unrhymed

"A trinity of sisters..."

Voldi (2016-01-25) poem unrhymed

"...It has been years..."

Gerda (2016-02-15) poem unrhymed

"...Rich as condensed milk. Decadent as cream..."

The Johannesburg People (2016-03-14) poem unrhymed

"...Once upon a time they lived on a farm in Ladysmith..."

Forty pages made of snow (2016-10-31) poem unrhymed

"...You're something beautiful, you know..."

When I hear my uncle's voice on the telephone (2016-11-28) poem unrhymed

"My uncle's voice is a sheet of glass..."

It's the usual story of the arrangement of history (2016-12-19) poem unrhymed

"...The light's history blinding..."

The song of routine and order (2017-01-09) poem unrhymed

"...Always coming to the river's edge..."

This man's body has no history (2017-02-13) poem unrhymed

"...Then and now this is my song..."

When I buried the moon like a prophet (2017-06-19) poem unrhymed

"...I love the clean, smooth lines that you leave behind in the air..."

The most beautiful eye in the world is the third eye (2017-07-17) poem unrhymed

"...Trees are candles..."

Wash away my sins (2017-08-21) poem unrhymed

"...Dogs, Atom's kitten and the World speaks to me of love..."

When I try to write from memory this is what I come up with (2017-09-18) poem unrhymed

"...like life, a dream or a flashback..."

This reunion of the 'bruising flame' and 'threadbare hem' (2017-10-09) poem unrhymed

"...autumn's splendor, you winder guest..."

With love, a father and mother's advice (2017-10-30) poem unrhymed

"...We seemed to be ghosts tied to each other. From ankle to ankle..."

Vertigo (2017-11-13) poem unrhymed

"...Dreams are made up of stardust, The origins of heat and dust..."

Tenderness (2017-12-04) poem unrhymed

"...For every sinner, there's a Dreamer..."

Bone and other stories (2017-12-18) poem unrhymed

"...Fade away to wise-everything..."

The sad woman (2018-01-01) poem unrhymed

"...And the habits of a beautiful woman die hard..."

The bone slums (2018-01-22) poem unrhymed

"...children in the fire of war..."

And will these apples nourish my soul (2018-02-12) poem unrhymed

"...betrayal became my wild Saturday..."

The wilderness prayer of driftwood (2018-03-05) poem unrhymed

"...there are still many who wonder..."

Gone to Jean Rhys' purple sea (2018-04-02) poem unrhymed

"...Safe footprints washed away like yesterday..."

The wild girl (2018-04-23) poem unrhymed

"...Nan also told us about her summer dad. The winter woman who was her mother..."

A heart can grow cold (2018-11-26) poem unrhymed

"...I can see her smile reaching her coy brown eyes..."

The Jerusalem of Florence (2018-12-31) poem unrhymed

"The blood of the Cape runs through her veins..."

President Thabo Mbeki's foundation (2019-01-28) poem unrhymed

"...as if I was always in need..."

Magda (2019-03-04) poem unrhymed

"...an anthem for the landscape that has given birth to us..."

While standing at the water's edge (2019-04-08) poem unrhymed

"...Books come from ghosts..."

The craft of writing empathy into action (2019-04-29) poem unrhymed

"...Yes, the ocean calls to me like a lover..."

The ocean where many of our songs are maps (2019-05-27) poem unrhymed

"...This starvation that must follow its poverty..."

Whenever daylight falls upon the city (2019-06-24) poem unrhymed

"...you became a legend in real life..."

The important first step (2019-09-30) poem unrhymed

"...I pass through the tide meeting the comfort of homesick strangers..."

The infertility poem or the sad woman in the photograph (2019-11-11) poem unrhymed

"...as I travel towards an unknown future...

The bullies were tough on me in high school Mikale (2019-12-16) poem unrhymed

"...I am the current, the climate, the energy..."

The art of starting again (2020-01-13) poem unrhymed

"...The democracy of smoke, holy, innocent and pure...."

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Call it a Difficult Night: Book Review (2017-04-10) book review "Call it a Difficult Night"

Mishka Hoosen's experimental prose in "Call it a Difficult Night" gives the reader time to reflect, study, gather, harvest their own thoughts.

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The Scholarship Girl (2017-05-15) cover story serial fiction life relationships

Small things, beginnings in the frame of a child ... where do all the little footsteps lead?

The Scholarship Girl 02 (2017-05-22) serial fiction life relationships

"...doing laps in a swimming pool princely blue..."

The Scholarship Girl 03 (2017-05-29) serial fiction life relationships

"...the image that I have of love in my imagination..."

The Scholarship Girl 04 (2017-06-05) serial fiction life relationships

"... Without pain, I was blinded. I could not write..."

The Scholarship Girl 05 (2017-06-12) serial fiction life relationships writing

"...the harmonic cultures that exist outside of my own..."

The Scholarship Girl 06 (2017-06-19) serial fiction life relationships writing

"...I remember how I could see pieces of blue sky from the bars on my window..."

The Scholarship Girl 07 (2017-06-26) serial fiction life relationships writing

"...a quaint, inventive state of mind like animals captured and paraded in zoos or portraits of every generation..."

The Scholarship Girl 08 (2017-07-03) serial fiction life relationships writing

"...I began to see myself in other writers' and poets' work..."

The Scholarship Girl 09 (2017-07-10) serial fiction life relationships writing

"...I already feel a fraud as if nature is ganging up on me. This is not me. This is not who I am or want to be..."

The Scholarship Girl 10 (2017-07-17) serial fiction life relationships writing

"... but I do know this: African writers write in blood..."

The Scholarship Girl 11 (2017-07-24) serial fiction life relationships writing

"...Why do the rich get richer in South Africa and the poor get poorer in South Africa on a daily basis?..."

The Scholarship Girl 12 (2017-07-31) serial fiction life relationships writing

Conclusion. "...Complicated, an empty vessel, envious of beauty like any woman, of youth, of the girl, of children in childhood..."

You Are Going To Do Bad Things to Children (2018-10-01) cover story serial fiction sexuality relationships mental illness

Part One of Chapters and Parts of a Young Girl's Life.

All Is Not Well (2018-10-08) serial fiction

Part Two of "Chapters and Parts of a Young Girl's Life."

Snow Falling on Garden City Clinic (2018-10-15) serial fiction

Part Three of "Chapters and Parts of a Young Girl's Life."

Winter Revisited (2018-10-22) serial fiction

Part Four of "Chapters and Parts of a Young Girl's Life."

To Virginia Woolfe's Lighthouse (2018-10-29) serial fiction

Conclusion. Part Five of "Chapters and Parts of a Young Girl's Life."

Elise in Blood and Water (2019-01-28) cover story fiction life love

Part One. " It is time for female writers to begin to listen to each other, she says, and to begin to see each other as feminists in their own right."

Elise in Blood and Water, Part Two (2019-02-04) serial fiction

"...Writers, when they write, (the great ones) do not let anything stand in their way..."

Elise in Blood and Water, Part Three (2019-02-11) short fiction life

"...I am a woman...We house collections of every kind..."

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Notes on the Metaphysical (2017-09-25) cover story fiction life

"I have lived a life filled with buoyant ecstasy and hope." -- Abigail George

Coming up for air (2017-11-06) cover story fiction relationships

"Shaping valleys that sing with the force of winds, human beings, the sun, the bright shine of nature, the gentle genetic simplicity of the relationship between Noah and his animals..."

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