"Spill the Details: Dreamscape" Contest.
Your wildest, weirdest most vivid dream or daydream, described in 200 words or less, could get you a one year membership to Barnes and Noble. Keep it relatively clean and go to www.GeminiMojoPress.com/contest.html for more details.
Deadline: January 31, 2005.
Quantum Barbarian Magazine Short Story Contest
Quantum Barbarian Mag seeks short stories in Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror. Must be under 8,000 words and must be original, unpublished works of fiction and not accepted by any publisher, or submitted elsewhere. Their motto: "Come on over to the lighter side."
Awards: $125, $50, $25 and online publication
Entry fee: $5 (Paypal available.)
Deadline: January 31, 2005.
More info: www.quantumbarbarian.com/contest1.html
...and don't forget
Darklight anti-fanfic, running now through Jan 31, 2005. Retell the terrible sci-fi channel movie to share among fellow (anti)fans or come up with an original idea based on the demoness Lilith for possible publication in the Press. More info.
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